
In stunning facilities, the University Library fosters student success, scholarly research, and academic excellence through the provision of information resources, primary resources, learner-centered services and experiences, and welcoming, technology-enhanced environments that facilitate lifelong learning, collaboration, and innovation. The University Library provides students and researchers access to over a million print books, e-books, journals, streaming videos, manuscript and archival materials, and electronic databases that support all areas of the CSUDH curriculum. University Library faculty teach students information literacy including the discovery of information, the understanding of how information is produced and valued, and the use of that information in creating new knowledge and participating ethically in communities of learning.

Access to Library Materials and Services

The University Library provides a gateway to locate a wide array of resources available from the CSUDH Library. Any current student, faculty or staff may access electronic resources from off-campus through remote authentication using their campus username and password. The Gerth Archives & Special Collections department provides over 400 collections for access to primary resources. Digital Collections (over 85,000 items) including the CSU Japanese American Digitization project may be accessed through the CSUDH Digital Collection.

Library services include:

  • Research assistance at the Research Help Desk and through chat, text, telephone, and email.
  • Online research consultations by appointment. Visit the Library website to schedule an appointment with a librarian.
  • Access to archival and special collections as well as 10,000 rare books through the Gerth Archives reading room. Digital primary resources are also available virtually.
  • Course Reserves, which provides access to select course materials in print at the Course Reserves counter, including materials obtained through the Toro Textbook Library Program.
  • Subject-specific online research guides and how-to guides to help with research.
  • Access to research materials from other libraries through free interlibrary loan and CSU+ services.
  • Use of other CSU library facilities and collections as visiting patrons.
  • Information literacy instruction through customized class sessions, online tutorials, and assignment design partnerships with faculty. Read more at Information Literacy.
  • Online journal hosting and open access publishing through Open Journal Systems.
  • Consultation on selecting a publication venue, copyright for authors, and publication metrics.
  • Use of the Library's computers, including PCs and Macs.
  • Group study rooms for use by 1 to 2 students or 3 to 8 students. Read more and reserve a room at Reserve Study Rooms.
  • Open spaces for collaborative work and silent study, along with a lactation room which can be scheduled online.
  • Two food-friendly areas: the coffee shop adjacent to Dominguez Den and the open-air seating Mancillas courtyard.
  • Extended hours during the final two weeks of fall and spring semesters.
  • Weekend hours with research assistance available.

Library Hours of Operation

When classes are in session during fall and spring semesters, the Library is generally open 7 days per week, Monday through Sunday. Hours are typically extended until 2 a.m. during the final two weeks of fall and spring semesters.

For more information on current hours, call (310) 243-3715 or visit Library Hours. The Gerth Archives can be reached at (310) 243-3895 or For research assistance, call the Research Help Desk at (310) 243-3586 or email

Note: Operating hours are subject to change, so please visit our website for current schedule: Library Hours.

Library Operating Hours (Fall & Spring semesters while classes are in session)

Monday - Thursday 

8:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m.


8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Research Help Desk Hours (Fall & Spring semesters while classes are in session)

Monday - Thursday

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.


10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.


1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.


1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

For additional information about research help, visit Research Help

The Gerth Archives & Special Collections Hours (January-December)

Monday - Friday    

Monday - Friday    

Students and researchers are encouraged to visit (drop in) the Gerth Archives during regular business hours or to make an appointment by calling (310) 243-3895.

Students interested in primary sources, local history, access to digital collections and rare books are welcome to conduct research in the Archives (LIB 5039). Instructors are welcome to bring their classes for primary source instruction.

Archives & Special Collections provides access to materials related to the history of American social and political movements, the South Bay of Los Angeles, and its communities (Japanese American/Filipino/Latinx/African American), as well as the history of the CSU Dominguez Hills, the CSU System, and higher education in California. Please visit Gerth Archives & Special Collections and CSUDH Digital Collections .